Is a Bitcoin ban possible?

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Is a Bitcoin ban possible?

Can Bitcoin still be banned?

A popular head concern among Bitcoin fanatics, are the different ways Bitcoin can go down. One of the biggest concerns would be a global Bitcoin ban. Many people still fear that the day will come when all world governments would come together, and decide that Bitcoin is in fact illegal. 

If this would happen, it would probably mean the downfall of Bitcoin and the cryptocurrency industry. But is this even a possibility? Can Bitcoin still be banned?

Bitcoin is too big to be banned

Layah Heilpern, writer of the book ‘Undressing Bitcoin’ does not think so, one of the most well-known Bitcoin books to date. In her opinion, Bitcoin is too big to fail. ‘The Bitcoin network has now become too big to be banned.’ she indicated In an interview on FOX Business. 

She continued; ‘We have a network that consists of tens of thousands of miners who secure the network in different countries, on different continents, and in different jurisdictions.

One of the most important features of Bitcoin, according to Layah Heilpern, is the fact that the network is decentralized.

 She acknowledges the fact that a political superpower, such as the United States, could ban Bitcoin. However, according to her, the long-term effect of this would not be as great as we might think. There is no chance that each other country in the world would ban Bitcoin, meaning that the network could and will continue to exist.

Layah Heilpern is known as a heavy supporter of Bitcoin, and likes to spread the word. She does this for example through her own podcast. She is very positive about Bitcoin’s future. But what do you think? Do you believe in Bitcoin longevity? 

Then you could choose to invest in it. This can be done through Huobi, for example! Via this link, you can own your first (piece) of Bitcoin in just a few minutes!


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