Bitrobby manual

In this manual we explain step by step how to use Bitrobby and link your account. Do you prefer a video? Then watch the walkthrough video below.

Table of Contents

How do I register on Bitrobby?

Step 1: Create an account on BitRobby

Go to the BitRobby website and register by entering a valid email address and password.

In case you have used an e-mail address, you will have to verify your registration by clicking on the link in the e-mail.
How to register on bitrobby_2
You can then log in to the login page.
How to register on bitrobby_3

When you log in for the first time you will see the terms of use. Please read and accept these before continuing

Step 2: Choose the subscription type

On BitRobby you have the choice to spread the payment in two different ways. You can choose between an annual or monthly subscription.

A monthly subscription can be terminated after one month. An annual subscription only after the period of one year.

If you opt for the annual plan, you will save €18, which is more like paying a month less than if you took the monthly plan.

Choose type of subscription

Step 3: Enter your personal details and select the method of payment

After choosing the plan that is most suitable for you, continue filling in your personal details and choose the payment method.

Enter personal data

Enter personal data

Here you will also have to indicate the account type. Will this purchase be used for private use or for business use only. Fill in your personal details such as Name, address, Postal code..

Choice of payment method

Choice of payment

Monthly subscription can only be paid via: Credit card.

Discount code

If necessary, enter a discount code to purchase the subscription at a reduced price.

How do I connect Bitrobby to my exchange?

After payment, one will immediately be able to link an exchange to Bitrobby. The trading bot can be linked to the following exchanges: Binance, Kucoin and Huobi.

Step 1: Log in to your exchange

In this example we will link our Binance account to Bitrobby.

Step 2: Go to ‘API Management’

Step 3: Create a new API key

Label the API you are going to create and press ‘Create API’.

After this, a pop-up window will appear with an authentication protection. To continue, copy the code you receive via email as well as the unique 2FA code. Then click on ‘Submit’
Create a new API key_2

Step 4: Change the restrictions of the API key

Next, change the restrictions so that Bitrobby is allowed to trade with your account.

Press ‘Edit restrictions’

Check the “Enable Spot & Margin Trading” box.

Step 5: Copy the API Key & Secret Key to Bitrobby

Next, copy the API Key & Secret Key from your exchange account and paste it into the required fields on Bitrobby.

Copy the API Key & Secret Key to Bitrobby

Go back to your exchange account and save the changes made from step 4.

Now click on ‘Save’. The changes are only saved when you confirm with the 2FA code.

Note: As soon as you click on ‘Save’ you will no longer see the ‘Secret Key’. If you have problems with the API key, you will have to delete it and create a new API key.

Then click on ‘Connect an exchange’.

One can see that the exchange is linked to Bitrobby when one sees the following screen appear. Make sure that Bitrobby’s status is set to ‘ON’.

You have successfully connected Bitrobby to your exchange. Now it’s just waiting for the auto trading bot’s strategy to open a new trade